Hopefully, I have dispelled your fears of building muscle from my previous post on why women should do strength training, in this post, we will go over the benefits of building a stronger, more muscular you. There are so many benefits to list out that I have summarized them into 3 categories: Aesthetics; Practical advantages; Health advantages. Let’s start with aesthetics. I don’t think this one requires much explanation as we all know that

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  The last part in this 3-part series on Why Women Should Do Strength Training, will be on the health benefits. I must warn you that there is a bit of science below so if you are not interested, feel free to just read the list of health benefits and be on your way to pumping some iron. So, in my previous blog, we talked about the obvious aesthetic and practical reasons for building muscles,

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Women have it tough. Not only are they expected to be the primary caregivers in a household, but they also need to manage a stable career and look amazingly hot all the time! That’s a tall order for anyone to live up to! Then you throw in all the photoshopped images of models in magazines and internet lifestyle websites of perfectly-airbrushed skin-tone and body curvatures to make the obtaining of the perfect female body practically

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There is a common cognitive bias that the type of activity will result in the body composition that you see (especially from the media). When I ask my clients what they are looking for in terms of changes and objectives, clients usually mention in one form or another, that they want long, lean muscles; or to be very toned and not too bulky.  Like that of a swimmer’s body!  And then they would ask me

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Last week, the specialised arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released a 1.5-page short summary sheet- on the carcinogenicity of red meat and processed meat.  The IARC committee gathered 22 scientists from 10 countries to systematically go over 800 studies done in the past 10-20 years on the cancer-causing effects of eating processed meat and red meat.  They came up with the summary sheet mentioned above and

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Why You Shouldn’t Always Believe What You Read - Even From Perceived Reputable Sources   As I’ve mentioned before on this blog, the stated mission is, as I modestly put it in the first entry “to be a shining beacon of truth in a sea of bullsh*t about health and fitness”. Now the readership may be small (but growing!) but I like to think that if I can help a few hundred, or hopefully even

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If you’ve been following my blog for some time, then you may feel that I cite a lot of science - a lot of new science for that matter, especially when it comes to exercise and nutrition.  Often times, they fly in the face of concepts and principles that were once thought to be true and that may have also have been based on science - old science.  For example, everyone thought that cold stretching

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That’s right. As the title says, just because you’re sore the next day doesn’t mean you had a good workout. The proper term for that all-too familiar day-after-a-workout muscle soreness is DOMS - delayed onset muscle soreness. You may get DOMS regardless if you had a good workout or not because it seems to manifest itself the most through eccentric, unaccustomed exercise. Eccentric exercise - when the muscle fibres lengthen (ie. the lowering part of

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Exercising Too Much Is Bad For You!   Recently, I’ve had some clients where I’ve advised them that they may, in fact, be overtraining. “Overtraining?  How can that be bad?” you may ask. It’s true.  If you overdo exercise, it can actually be bad for you.  Especially, if you do a lot of high intensity exercise. When you exercise, you are essentially doing damage to your body.  You are causing micro-trauma or micro-tears in your

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Post originally taken from lululemon's WeChat Venue sponsored by Sprout Lifestyle 运动创造快乐的化学物质,亦是对体能及毅力的“宣战”。要赢得这场战争,离不开丰富全面的营养饮食。 如果至今你仍然觉得美味与健康相互排斥,那么欢迎与我们一同探索品牌大使Alan的营养之道。共同探索Alan在经营Olive Branch的忙碌生活之余,畅享健康饮食的美味秘诀。 It’s no secret that exercising releases certain feel-good chemicals, but that’s only half the battle to feeling and looking your best. The other half of that battle is in your diet, and you CAN have it all! Delicious and healthy doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. Let Alan, our ambassador and the brains and brawn behind Olive Branch, show you an easy-to-make

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