Ladies & Gentlemen!
Today is a a bit special for us as it is the first Olive Branch newsletter to be released on a leap day!
So to mark the occasion, we are starting a new program that we hope will be inspiring for those of you trying to get back on track after Chinese New Year.
The name of the program is (drum roll please)….
Call To ACTion!
The concept is simple. Your favourite Olive Branch trainers have sworn an oath to do only Olive Branch classes (either ACT or TRX) twice a week – no more, no less for the entire month of March. We won’t do any other training either. So no running, no spinning, and no weight training!
So why are we doing this? Quite simply: we know that ACT is an awesome program for anyone who wants to get fit, but we believe in showing, not telling. That’s why we are going to follow the exact same program as all you ACT regulars. Not only that, we will also be monitoring the impact of the program on our physical fitness and health to show you all how effective it is!
We will measure the effectiveness of the program by taking photos of ourselves everyday for the entire month. We will also conduct weekly body assessments on ourselves including body fat percentage measurements, using a skin fold caliper test and circumference measurements, as well as body weight, heart rate, and blood pressure measurements.
We look forward to seeing you in class when we begin tomorrow, March 1. We can’t wait to start… bring on the pain! 🙂