How many people do you know who is out of shape and obese? And how many of those people you know hate their bodies? Or maybe you’re reading this now and you have similar feelings towards your own body? To find oneself in this situation is despairing, and unfortunately, it is happening all around us. How did we get to this point in our evolutionary path that our current lifestyle has put us at odds

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Keep Dangerous Chemicals Out Of Your Household And Out Of You!   This week’s blog post won’t be about exercise or nutrition but will still be health oriented.  I’d like to showcase a brand that has started here in Shanghai in 2013 and improves your health not directly.  I’m not talking about any health supplements or juices here - I’m talking about cleaning products! That’s right, you heard me - cleaning products. Specifically, Soapnut Republic.

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Gung hei fat choi! Xin nian kuai le! Welcome back everyone to the year of the MONKEY! Hope you guys had a great holiday, I sure did and I’m feeling recharged! Didn’t get one workout in, but that’s ok, I hit the weights the very next day I got back to Shanghai and although I didn’t hit any personal bests, I did the single most important thing I could’ve done - and that is to

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It’s January 4th, time to execute on your new New Year’s Resolutions, but this time it’ll be different than last year, you’re going to finally lose weight and get that 6-pack that you had back in high school.  You’re going to eat healthy and exercise more! All well-intentioned, but unfortunately, the numbers are against you. In 2007, Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol did a study on 3000 participants and reported that 88% failed

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This is a very interesting piece of content that has helped me to keep an open mind about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).  Although, my practice has always been rooted in Western science and methodologies, one thing that I have not been able to discount is TCM.  Through the lens of the scientific method, TCM is still an obscure field of study, but this answer further helps to bridge the gap between East and West. It’s

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Although, I typically don’t like to make generalizations, I think it’s interesting to share some observations I’ve had regarding the fitness stigmas here in Shanghai.  This blog entry contains no tips or advice on how to train better or eat healthier but rather it’s a reflection on the industry in which I am in and some context which I find brings things into better perspective.  You may agree or disagree with me and if you

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It’s tough to change your lifestyle. The challenges of replacing bad habits with good habits can seem daunting.  Most people believe they need to exert a high level of willpower to refrain from doing their bad habits and to start doing the good ones. But there are ways to make it easier - very simple and easy ways that have a huge impact. The key is to have a social network that supports the change

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There’s a bug going around town!  I don’t know about you, but a lot of people I know are sick these days!  Maybe it’s due to the constant change in temperatures?  Maybe it’s due to the change of seasons?  Maybe it’s due to the stars?  Maybe it’s all of the above! One thing for sure is that if you’re sick with the flu, then it’s definitely because your immune system has weakened to the point

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              For this post on my new ‘Misconceptions’ blogging thread, is the misconception that if someone is not fat, then they are completely fine and healthy and can eat whatever they want. This is a particularly dangerous misconception because it is counter-intuitive and misleads a lot of people into living a dangerous lifestyle because their body doesn’t give them any negative feedback. When many people eat poorly and don’t

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it's easier than you think...                 I'll be honest with you. This week is vacation week, so I'm rushing through this blog post so I can jump into the sea by a gorgeous beach that I'm currently lying on. So in the spirit of things this week's post will be on exercising on vacation. First off, vacations can be absolutely great for your health. The effect of bringing

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