I’ve blogged a lot about the power of the community, and why it’s so important to have a social support network. There’s even a study that says improving your social support network is valued up to £85,000, and your health worth a whopping £300,000! Okay!  You’re ready for a change in lifestyle, you’re motivated and ready to kick some ass in life!  But how do you go about building one up so you and your

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It happens to all of us. We can’t always have high motivation in working out, eating healthy, and life in general. Inevitably, things slow down and our moods change. Having a good strategy to manage your high’s and low’s will help in keeping you focused on the long-term goals that you have set out for. But what if your low’s are prolonged with no end in sight? You know you’re in a rut, but you

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The lead-up to the Tough Mudder weekend was full of excitement!  We were looking forward in running the mud course together as a team as we all spent a lot of time and money training up for this event.  The energy we put in to organizing a team, coordinating with each other to get the details in order, reaching out to sponsors for support, committing time to meet together for training, all required energy from

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