We all know how traveling can wreak havoc on your health routine, but the havoc it wreaks on your back is probably the worst; especially, the long-haul flights where you’re confined to a cabin seat that is poorly designed for lumbar support and for long durations at a time. Even for me, someone who has a fairly active daytime job, one long-haul return-trip is enough to make my back seize up; enough to make me

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Welcome back from Chinese New Year holidays! We continue from our last blog about the powers of mindfulness.  Hopefully, you are now convinced of its usefulness in your life.  I’m sure spending Chinese New Years with your family has given you plenty of opportunities to practice mindfulness; especially when handling provocative questions from family members on the status of your love life! So, let’s get started. The training tool we will use to become more

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  In a previous blog, I wrote about how to motivate yourself to train during the winter months.  This time, I’d like to share a few points why I actually prefer to train in the winter! 1.  There are less distractions during the winter! Because it’s so cold outside, there are less events held outdoors - less barbecues, less, outdoor concerts, less beach volleyball days!  People organize less social outings so that gives you more

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It happens to all of us. We can’t always have high motivation in working out, eating healthy, and life in general. Inevitably, things slow down and our moods change. Having a good strategy to manage your high’s and low’s will help in keeping you focused on the long-term goals that you have set out for. But what if your low’s are prolonged with no end in sight? You know you’re in a rut, but you

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The lead-up to the Tough Mudder weekend was full of excitement!  We were looking forward in running the mud course together as a team as we all spent a lot of time and money training up for this event.  The energy we put in to organizing a team, coordinating with each other to get the details in order, reaching out to sponsors for support, committing time to meet together for training, all required energy from

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With less than a week to go before the the debut of Tough Mudder in China, Team Olive Branch is ready to take to the obstacle course and test what they’re made of. It’s only fitting that this week’s blog post be centered around being ‘tough’. So what does it mean to be tough anyways? From Merriam-Webster Dictionary: physically and emotionally strong : able to do hard work, to deal with harsh conditions, etc. Sounds

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Survivorship Bias   Similar, to my earlier blog Misconceptions: Swim, to have a swimmer’s body! this blog talks about the perils of the pervasive cognitive flaw - survivorship bias. Exercise programs that you frequently read on fitness magazines and social media platforms almost always depict a famous athlete giving his/her workout routine and telling you should follow it too if you want to get a big chest, skinny waistline, broad shoulders, slender legs, 6-pack abs,

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              Hey guys, I’ll be writing a new line of blog posts called: “Misconceptions in Exercise & Nutrition”. They will be shorter in nature and are aimed at debunking the misconceptions about fitness and nutrition that are widespread in the media and society. The first one in this series is the common belief that you have to sweat a lot to get a superior workout. Now if you are

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The Psychology of High Intensity Training   Following my previous blog entry on Attitude, I am continuing on this theme of the mental aspect of training by writing this blog post on the psychology of high intensity training.  Notice, I am specific here in that I’m only talking about high intensity training and not other forms of training as the psychology involved in high intensity training is different than say doing a 100km trail hike

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