Post originally taken from lululemon’s WeChat

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如果至今你仍然觉得美味与健康相互排斥,那么欢迎与我们一同探索品牌大使Alan的营养之道。共同探索Alan在经营Olive Branch的忙碌生活之余,畅享健康饮食的美味秘诀。

It’s no secret that exercising releases certain feel-good chemicals, but that’s only half the battle to feeling and looking your best. The other half of that battle is in your diet, and you CAN have it all!

Delicious and healthy doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. Let Alan, our ambassador and the brains and brawn behind Olive Branch, show you an easy-to-make recipe that contains all the goodness your body needs.



“Food is your fuel, and the right ingredients are key to being physically, mentally and spiritually ‘wellthy'”

对于繁忙的白领而言,能够从本地或者线上轻松购买到的原材料,是养成健康饮食习惯的开始。对于Alan而言,健康的饮食也无需罕见特殊的食材,而是从简单的食物中获取充足的营养。无论你是刚刚完成高强度核心训练的人,还是结束一天劳累工作之余,相信接下来Alan的这份食谱能够帮助你轻松快速地补充身体所需的能量元素,促进肌肉生长,清除体内淤积,让你精力充沛地迎接下一次的运动挑战。Easy-to-source food items that you can buy at the local store or online grocer can make a potent and extremely healthy meal for the busy professional. In this recipe, Alan shows us how a healthy meal can be put together with basic ingredients that give your body what it needs.This meal is quick and easy to make, and packs all the essential nutrients your body needs to build muscle, clean up free radicals floating around, while fueling you for your next workout. It’s a perfect meal after you’ve crushed a killer high intensity workout, or even just to unwind after a long day at work.

The science behind beef and quinoa




Post workout, your muscles are under high-stress and toxins are released in your body. As you sleep, your body starts to repair these muscles and requires amino acids, a basic type of protein. This is where the beef and quinoa in this recipe come into play. Unsaturated fatty acid from the beef and oleic acid in the olive oil help to strengthen your cell walls and fight off free radicals and toxins.




Veggies clean your body



Leafy greens and colored vegetables pack a punch in vitamins and minerals that help to clean up the toxins released by fatigued muscles. These are also essential for your overall well-being.


Grass-fed Ribeye Steak Salad


准备时间 Prep time: 20 minutes与餐建议人数 Serves: 1

食材 Ingredients:

•藜麦 quinoa – 3 tbsp.

•草饲肋眼牛排 grass-fed ribeye steak – 1 piece

•混合有机蔬菜 mixed greens

•樱桃番茄 cherry tomatoes

•灯笼辣椒 red pepper – half

•大蒜 garlic – 4 cloves

•洋葱 onion – one

•柠檬 lemon – half

•黑醋 balsamic vinegar

•盐 salt

•黑胡椒 black pepper

做法 Method:

1. 将藜麦在温水中浸泡10分钟。与此同时,在小锅中加热少许橄榄油,加入洋葱末与大蒜末翻炒,加少许盐与黑胡椒调味。

Soak quinoa in warm water for 10 minutes before cooking. Meanwhile, heat some olive oil in a small pot, add in minced onion and garlic, season with salt and black pepper.

2. 滤干浸泡后的藜麦,以1:2的比例加水入锅烹煮约10分钟。待水分完全吸收后盛出待用。

Drain quinoa and add into the pot with water at a 1:2 ratio, cook for about 10 minutes. Remove the quinoa from the pot and set aside after all the water is absorbed.

3. 烹煮藜麦的同时,在平底锅中加入少许橄榄油,洋葱煸炒过油后出锅待用,随后放入肋眼牛排,每面煎烤约2分钟,加入少许盐与黑胡椒调味。煎完后出锅,静置4分钟后,切成薄片待用。

In the meantime, fry off minced onion with a splash of olive oil. Toss the stake in and fry for 2 minutes per side, season with salt and black pepper. Remove the steak from the pan and set aside to rest for at least 4 minutes, then cut into thin slices.

4. 将混合蔬菜,樱桃番茄,灯笼辣椒,胡萝卜,藜麦放入大碗中,加入适量橄榄油及柠檬汁或意大利黑醋,充分搅拌,装盘,将牛肉铺于沙拉表面,完成。

Mix the lettuce, cherry tomato, red pepper, carrot and quinoa in a mixing bowl. Season with olive oil and lemon juice or balsamic vinegar to taste. Serve up the salad with steak slices on top.


Want to know more about nutrition and challenge yourself with an ACT/TRX class? Follow Alan’s WeChat and get started!


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